SEND Department aims:

To provide an inclusive, stimulating, and safe environment which will enhance the learning of all students and help them achieve, to their full potential in all aspects of the curriculum. In doing this we hope to raise the aspirations of all students, especially those with SEND.


The SEND department, known as Learning Support, is led by Samantha O'Riordan(SENDCO). Our facilities include an inclusion office, teaching classroom, intervention room, counsellors office and a well-resourced social room.

What we do:

We provide support for students who have a learning need relating to the four areas of SEND as reflected in the COP(2015). These are:
-Cognition and learning
-Communication and interaction
-Sensory/ Physical
-Social, emotional mental health

SEND Information Report

The SEND Information Report can be viewed or downloaded here

The SEND Team

We have a highly motivated team that work hard to ensure students with SEND are supported academically and pastorally. Pupils' emotional health and wellbeing is important to us, and the staff below are able to support this: 

Assistant Principal SEND Assistant SENCO Send Parnership Officer
Mrs S O'Riordan Miss G Ashurst Miss D Carroll
English LSA Maths LSA Science LSA
Miss G Thompson Miss S Salisbury Miss L Fitzsimons

Humanities LSA


Accessibility LSA  
Ms JL Cramp Miss C Newns  


The full SEND Information report can be found on our policies page

If you require any further information, then please call:

Mrs O'Riordan 0161 359 5092