Free School Meals

Lunch Menus

At The Albion Academy, our catering team work incredibly hard to ensure we feed all our pupils. Everyday, the team produce breakfast, break food and lunch for over 800 pupils. See attached the weekly menus.


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Breakfast Club


Free School Meals

Entitlement to Free School Meals (FSM) is subject to local authority approval (based on current legislation). The FSM allowance covers the cost of a standard meal and is only available at lunchtime. Additional funds should be added if your child wishes to purchase other items.  

Further information, and how to apply, for Free School Meals can found on the City of Salford’s website (click here) or by telephone on  0161 909 6508.

Registering for free school meals can help the Academy - If your child is eligible for free school meals, it's worth registering them even if they're not going to have the school lunch This is because schools receive a 'pupil premium' - an extra payment for each eligible child which they can spend on useful services.