Key Contacts

Key Contacts

A list of our key contacts are below, if you would like to direct a enquiry to a specific member of staff please use the form on this page, mark your enquiry for the attention of the member of staff who you would like to deal with your request.

Senior Leadership Team

Principal Mr M Rogers
Senior Vice Principal Mr A Robinson
Vice Principal Ms G Gardiner
Assistant Principal Mr S Bradley-Green
Assistant Principal Mr L Wild
Assistant Principal Mr P Feast
Assistant Principal Ms G Johnston
Assistant Principal Ms A Thurston
Associate Assistant Principal Ms Y Morris
Associate Assistant Principal & SENCO Mrs S O'Riordan

Heads of Faculty

English Miss G Johnston
Maths Miss A Thurston
Science Mrs E Scott
Modern Foreign Languages Miss S Corlett
Humanities Mrs J MIlner
Art, Design & Technology Mr P Day
Performance Mr A Walton

Heads of Year

Year 7 Mr Denholm
Year 8  Ms Duale
Year 9  Ms McMillan
Year 10  Mr Bradley- Green (Acting HOY)
Year 11 Mrs Clarke

Other Contacts

SEND Coordinator Mrs S O'Riordan
Designated Safeguarding Lead  
Mrs Clarke
Deputy Safeguarding Lead Ms K Yarker
School Counsellor Mrs Haigh