Ethos and Values

Ethos and Values


We are a school community who celebrate inclusivity, ambition and aspirational learners.


At The Albion Academy we will develop:

RESPECT – We will celebrate equality and ensure that all interact positively with the school and wider community.

AMBITION – We will develop motivated individuals who believe they have unlimited potential.

RESILIENCE – We will build the skills needed to overcome the challenges of everyday life.



· Show care to all members of our community, including ourselves.

· Treat others as we wish to be treated.

· Appreciate and support the importance of inclusivity and equality.

· Listen to others, role model good manners, and speak politely.

· Follow instructions and the school rules.


· Demand a successful future for ourselves and our school community.

· Strive to become the best version of ourselves.

· Embrace every opportunity and approach new experiences with a positive mindset.

· Always seek to better our personal and academic development.



· View setbacks as an opportunity to improve ourselves.

· Work hard and find ways to overcome barriers that confront us.

· Attend school every day and be on time.