
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance and Post 16 education.

Careers education is an important part of a young person's development. At The Albion Academy, we are committed to ensuring that the school has a stable careers programme that supports our students throughout their educational journey, spanning from year 7 to year 11. Our careers programme has been created to help our students make well informed decisions on their post-16 destinations, providing impartial advice and guidance throughout. 

Careers Programme

Our careers programme is developed in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks. As part of our careers programme, we offer the following: 

  • 1:1 Careers Information & Guidance Interviews  
  • Enrichment days 
  • School trips 
  • University visits 
  • CV preparation sessions 
  • Mock interviews 
  • Networking events 
  • Careers fairs 
  • Careers themed assemblies 
  • Careers themed form time sessions 
  • STEM activities 
  • Employer visits 
  • Workplace encounter visits  

Working alongside GM Higher, The IntoUniversity Project, and The Gateways Project, we provide an extensive careers programme which supports all of student’s needs. From years 7 to 11, our students participate in a wide range of careers driven activities designed for their age range, including careers fairs, mock interviews, and STEM activities. Within our careers programme our students also have the opportunity to speak to representatives from a wide range of career sectors, universities, colleges and training providers, raising their future aspirations. 

Gatsby Benchmarks

The Albion Academy recognises that there is an expectation to provide careers education to all pupils in years 7-11. The careers education programme provides our learners with access to impartial and independent careers information, education and guidance, providing extra support as required for learners with additional needs, as outlined in the Gatsby Career Benchmarks

Provider Access Legislation

Every pupil, whatever their ambitions, should have the opportunity to explore what it is like to learn at the full range of learning providers, including colleges, universities, apprenticeships, and training providers (including employers), University Technical Colleges (UTCs) and Studio Schools. That is why we ensure that there is an opportunity for a range of education and training providers to access for all year 8 to 11 pupils via assemblies, form time sessions, character days and educational visits. By hearing directly from a range of providers, every pupil can build up a full picture of the options available and consider how the opportunity to study or train in different ways, and in different environments, might suit their skills, interests, and aptitudes. This will lead to better-informed choices and help to reduce the risk of young people dropping out of courses. 

If you are a parent/carer of a child at The Albion Academy and would like to know more about our careers programme, please contact Mr Wild through the following email address:  

Evaluation of our Careers Programme

We evaluate our careers provision at the end of each term and do this effectively via the compass+ evaluation tool. This tool is used to let us know how we are performing against the Gatsby Benchmarks and provides us with areas for improvement. 

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance Support

Helping your child begin their career journey - Success at School 
A booklet produced by Success at School containing information on how to support your child in finding the appropriate career pathway for them  Click here  to download the guide. 

Careers Advice for Parents

This is an online website designed to give you, as parents, an easy-to-read overview of all the essential facts on finding jobs and apprenticeships or choosing further and higher education courses which could make a real difference to your child's future career prospects. Click here to visit the  Careers Advice for Parents website.  

Apprenticeships Information

“” publish monthly guidance for parents who would like to know more about this post-16 pathway. See the latest here

Careers Team

The school careers lead Mr R Stevens is available to support with general advice and guidance and more specific careers-based questions. If you require any further information, then please get in touch through Talk with the Albion and select ‘General Information’.

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