
Upcoming Events

Details for Transition Days 27th & 28th June

Letter to parents May 2024

I am pleased to share with you the plans for this year's transition visit, scheduled for the above dates.  This visit is a valuable opportunity for students to familiarise themselves with the Academy, meet key staff members, and understand our school day and the expectations whilst in the Academy. 

Important Notes:

  • Attendance is compulsory for all students starting in September 2024.
  • Students must arrive at 08:45 am and the day will finish at 14:45 pm.
  • Students should make their own way to and from school, using only the Fredrick St ‘Student Entrance’, where staff will greet them.
  • Please arrange to meet your child at the end of their day at the Fredrick St ‘Student Entrance’. 
  • If you wish for your child to walk home alone, please scan the barcode below to give consent prior to the transition days.  Otherwise, children will remain at the Academy until picked up by a parent/guardian.
  • Students must wear their full school uniform on Day 1 and on Day 2.
  • Students will need a snack for breaktime and a drinks bottle with only water (this can be refilled throughout the day – please note, energy drinks and fizzy drinks are not allowed). 

Transition Booklet