In the unlikely event of a school closure where remote learning is required, we will remain committed to continuing your child's learning. Students should follow the schedule outlined below:
If students are individually at home, they can ensure they keep up with the taught curriculum by using the United Learning and Oak Academy lessons that have been created for learning at home. Students should use the link below to access these lessons. Independent Study Booklets are also extremely useful and can be used with the activities that are available on the website.
Recorded Lessons: United Learning and the Oak National Academy
This link contains lessons in each subject that students can use. The topics link to the topics students are currently studying. Students should select the topic they are studying from within each subject area. . Students should use their school log-in details to access the lessons and select the Pupil Curriculum (green arrow) when accessing these lessons.
Independent Study Booklets
Please find below a link to the Independent Study Booklets that are used in all subjects. Students can view their Independent Study Booklets for each subject and use the instructions and videos to learn about, and revise topics.
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11