Parents/carers whose application for a place is unsuccessful, have the right to appeal the decision. This must be expressed in accordance with the Schools Admissions Criteria. If parents/carers wish to appeal they should contact The Schools Admission Team at the below address or online here.
Children’s Services, Second Floor, Unity House, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton M27 5AW
0161 909 6508
Appeals timetable
Secondary school admissions September 2025
Offer date: 1 March 2025
Appeals to be submitted by: 31 March 2025
Appeals submitted by 31 March to be heard: 6 May to 21 June
Appeals for late applications will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal being lodged. Where an appeal in this category would have to be heard before an appeal is received on time, the appeal will be heard at the same time or after the other appeal otherwise an injustice could occur and could be unfair.