Celebrating Success

At The Albion Academy, we are a school community who celebrate inclusivity, ambition, and aspirational learners. We focus on the positive behaviour, achievement, and progress of our students, celebrating and rewarding students at every opportunity. Developing a positive learning environment and good learning habits are rooted in our Academy values of Respect, Ambition and Resilience. Students who make good choices around positive learning behaviour will be rewarded. Students can receive rewards in several ways: 

Class Chart points are given daily in lessons and around the academy by teachers and academy staff for students demonstrating our values and academy etiquettes. 

Class chart points are also awarded weekly for 100% attendance, punctuality, being organised and having the correct equipment. 

The Academy Awards 

Class chart points feed into our ‘Academy Awards’ system. This was designed in collaboration with students and is part of our school culture. Students who achieve our bronze, silver, gold and platinum status receive prizes, treats and attend reward events such as trips to laser quest, trampoline parks, theme parks, inflatable assault courses, etc. 

Other Reward Opportunities 

There are many other opportunities for staff to ‘catch students being good’, including: 

  • Praise Postcards are awarded to students daily by staff for exemplifying one of our core values of Respect, Ambition or Resilience. The postcard can be posted by students into our half-termly raffle for larger prizes drawn on the last day of every half-term. 
  • Period 5 Prizes are delivered daily by Heads of Year for various reasons including recognition in a particular subject, 100% attendance and punctuality each week, 100% homework completion, excelling in extra-curricular activities or for showing a random act of Respect. 
  • Daily Prize Draws – During line ups, 3 students per year group are rewarded by their Heads of Year. Prizes include sweet bags, queue jump passes, #TreatYourself vouchers and stationary gifts.  
  • Whole School Assembly Rewards are announced every Monday by the Principal and include 3 attendance awards per year group for 100% attendance the previous week and for the pupil in each year group with the highest Class Charts points the previous week. Students each win a shopping voucher. 
  • Rewards Assemblies are hosted each half-term for each year group where students receive certificates, badges and prizes for subject recognition, values awards and attendance awards. 
  • Pop Up Rewards are announced at random points in the year and students with 100% attendance and no negative behaviour points are entered into a daily draw for the entire week until all spaces have been filled. Trips include theme parks, visits to the zoo, trampoline parks and much more! 
  • The Celebration Station is open to pupils every Friday lunch time. Students bring pieces of work from either in school or at home that they are proud of and various rewards are on offer. 
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Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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