We use several excellent online platforms to set homework tasks that are designed to promote recall of key knowledge, to practice key skills, and are adaptive to the level that the student is at. For the majority of these platforms, there is the option to sign up a linked parent account. This way you can get a deeper understanding of your child's progress as you can get a lot of information about their engagement, their areas of success and areas of improvement.
Many of our homework platforms adapt to the student to make sure they are working at a level appropriate to them. It is important that when supporting your child you let them have a go at the answers first of all, even if they get them wrong. You can then help them understand why the answer was wrong using the support videos or explanations on the programme. This helps us to see the areas that they are not yet secure with. It also prevents the programme from increasing the difficulty of the questions beyond the level that the student is working at.